05:17am Anyone else up this early for work? I could have cried when I had to get out of bed at 5. I've had hardly any sleep over the weekend and didnt get home till about 11 last night and mustn't have got to sleep till about 1. I was just getting into a deep sleep when my alarm went off BAD CRACK!
:camp: Don't whinge just get an early night I work 3 different shifts (early mid & late) and i'll adjust my bed time accordingly so i'm not falling asleep at my desk/the wheel
i work three different shifts to, but i always go to bed about 1, if i'm tired at work i don't really care, i'll just be a zombie all day.
i'm ok once i'm at work but the 10 minutes after my alarm has gone off to let me know I have to get up straight away are horrible. Done now anyway i'm off for a driving lesson soon