09/05/10: TEMPELHOF/Wreaths/Mood4 @ Morden Tower, Newcastle TEMPELHOF/Wreaths/Mood4 @ Morden Tower, back Stowell Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, THIS SUNDAY! Distraction Records and fakeindielabel proudly presents. . . TEMPELHOF http://www.myspace.com/tempelhofband + Wreaths, Mood4 @ Morden Tower, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 9th May 2010, 7.30pm start, £3 Join us on Facebook and buy advance tickets here! TEMPELHOF Italy-based duo Tempelhof take inspiration from Bologna film library archives, loneliness, solitude and William Burroughs. They, on this occasion, will perform live lush downtempo beautiful soundtrack, accompanied by black-and-white and crudely-coloured early-modern cinema experiments. As anybody who saw them last year will tell you, it's an visual and aural feast. For fans of M83, The Album Leaf, Ulrich Schnauss, Maps and shizzle like that! New album out now - and 12" single - Leaving Home / Cage - out May 3rd - on Distraction Records! http://www.myspace.com/tempelhofband WREATHS "doomy sad drone, embellished with touches of post-rock guitar work with a beautifully weighted production that oozes a heavy paranoid atmosphere" Lobster Quadrille Magazine http://www.myspace.com/wreathstaperecordings MOOD4 "Chilled-out loveliness. . . sounds the Smash Robots conversing with each other by way of modems. . . Mood4 piles on the clockwork electro clicks and glitches and when it hits, it hits, especially live". NARC Magazine http://www.myspace.com/mood4music