1210s, mixer & serato for sale

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by Adam, Jul 3, 2007.

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  1. Adam


    Dec 11, 2003
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    1210s, mixer & serato for sale

    I've got 2 technics 1210mk5g for sale - £450 the pair-

    Vestax PMC-280pro mixer - 3 months old in mint condition - 4
    channel mixer with decent fx on it and proper filters - 300

    Serato scratch full kit - £290, again, about 3 months old mint in box.

    Also got a laptop that works perfectly with it - acer laptop with intel centrino 1.7, half gig ram and 80gb HD - £300

    Could have the lot for 1200 if you wanted - could do with the cash

    Everything boxed in good condition. not been used outside the house

    Can drop off if needed
  2. 1615634792921.png

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