14 Working Days.... .....left until I go on the greatest holiday I've ever had/will have in my life. Going to swim with Dolphins now aswell as everything else
Re: 14 Working Days.... I'm not having a holiday this year Ok.. I've just bought a flat but I still wanna go on holiday..
Re: Re: Re: 14 Working Days.... Funnily enough thats not the first time I've heard that.. hmmmmmmmmm... Still wanna go though
disneyland for the weekend only though.... next xmas time for the parads and stuff.... ibiza high season though! for a week.....get in!!
And Ibiza in high season!! Think Casy's won the lotto but not telling us....she's been asking what to buy too...
It's will probably be cheaper to go to Ibiza fully board for 2 weeks in August than a weekend at Euro Disney over Xmas