15 year old cited for sign labelling "scientology a cult" [yt]QqgojaACv5Y[/yt] To be honest I fail to see how the CPS will manage to get a prosecution for this...
what happened to free speech. they have taken our rights to protest away in the name of stopping terrorists and other bogey men. once gone we never get them back. how can it be an offence to 'cause distress' to someone by 'insulting them' ???? wtf Are we all so sensitive that we can't be insulted without bringing the law into it? Shit like this makes me want to insult people.....
I think the kid had a fair point as well - if you ever wanted an example of a religious cult, you have one right there, that suppresses criticism about it through litigation, harassment, and physical and mental attacks. The "Anonymous" protests seem to be snowballing up to a massive scale - they've had a global protest every month for the last 4 months and now they're really starting to get people's attention... from what I've seen this kid will have no end of help to get this case closed (apparently liberty have already offered to represent him).
yeah forks, but I don't go round harassing you, taking photos of you and your family, digging into your past, because you're a critic of christianity (or any other religion) imagine me and joe doing this to you & andy... [yt]pPol_m8wm8Y[/yt] every other religion tolerates open criticism of their beliefs and structures - this one does not and actively seeks to suppress such criticism by any means necessary... what does that tell you?
I'd be quite happy to take this up about any other religion that attempts to crush opposition and criticism in this way
catholicism in the 16th century? radical Islam now? The Uk blasphemy laws? Ask yourself why the pilgrim fathers left for america or the hugenots for england or Ian Paisleys prods...............
im sure i read something about a group called the anonymous who are determined to destroy scientology, burning their 'churches' and that. score imo
yeah, they're not quite at the burning stage, but they're holding regular protests outside scientology buildings - there's been one every month in london, manchester, birmingham and york. Apparently Sunderland has one too
I think it's quite funny. It's more a gathering of nerds than any sort of serious protest. One of them had a banner saying "Xenu or GTFO"
it seems a very harsh looking scenario frm that vid like, BUT... to be honest i dont know much about scientology accept from "that" documentry, and the stuff you hear in the news about its high profile followers!