9/11 http://www.ufos-aliens.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/dollarbill.htm this is weired how did they work out that just by folding a note all day long and see what they could come up with ????
its just concidence to be fair The United States of America was called The United States of America long before 9/11. Any fool can fold it to say Osama! Still intreging though.
I'm sure i can manipulate a £5 in such a way that the queen only has half a head, doesnt mean half her head is gonna fall off in the fututre there was a cool thing kicking about just after 9/11 where you would type a series of numbers or something in that 'wingdings' font in word and it would show towers, planes, the star of islam etc, was pretty good... anyone know what it was?