A sense of satisfaction What gives you a sense of satisfaction in your life? For me: Waking up in the morning and not feeling like death, actually feeling fresh after a good kip A good poo that gets it all out Making someone smile. A clean house. Making a good healthy meal that tastes lush Finishing work on a friday knowing i have the weekend off to do what i like Discuss...
Re: A sense of satisfaction Last night I finished knowing that I've got all of next week off.. nearly skipped through the door at 5pm.
All good ones Marce. I would add:- Waking up on a Saturday morning, thinking "bugger, gotta get up for work" then couple of mins later realising its Saturday, and going back to sleep. - ie me this morning
contentmant........ all the little things in life that make you content, that makes me satisifed.... Satisfaction is not a word in my dictionary at the moment