aaawww!!! taken from the q and a bit from the jules board: "Which part of the uk has the best up for it crowd?" "You can't really distinguish, but extra good crowds would have to be Liverpool, Newcastle, Glasgow and Northern Ireland." notice to mention of newcastle there!! obviously meaning promise!! mint!! xxx
Re: aaawww!!! who actually said that? regardless that brings a lump to the throat, nice to see we are appreciated
read my post again.... although it may not be that obvious if u arent me n didnt get it from the particular website i did!! but tis the julesy one of course!! xxx
nah no way man!! the past few times hes bin on at promise esp around last year n the year before the crowd has been totally class!! xxx
haha i think hes class jules, he gets more stick than he deserves i think he always plays a canny set, and hes always got a smile on his face