It's a class cd- very different to the essential underground one he did a little while a go but still really good. Beyer is a wicked DJ
I've got the essential underground. Class. He's just done the new mix of Cirez D - Control Freak with Henrik B
Fabric Cd mate , not heard Ess Underground But I know a few people who are bumming his fabric one big style so dont listen to me
I've just really started to listen to it in the past couple of days, but it is something which takes time to get used to
I finally listened to that techno CD you give me ages ago Mark today, not a bad effort, fades out a bit at the end though, but still canny
Im not sure about the Fabric cd,everytime i put it on i just skip through it,prefer to listen to his sets
I bought this cd a canny while back and still listen to it now Well class i think Good change from hearing him banging it out Alex Long - Serton