adam sheridan on galaxy 2morro nite!! lol i sound like a radio advert dont i!! know a lot ov ya's will be at promise just to tell ya's that ad's on galaxy 2morro nite/sat mornin at half 2ish with an excellent mix and an interview so i hope u r goin 2 all either:- a). stay up and listen to it b). tape it if ya's are at promise, it duznt take a lot to set up a cassette to tape stuff off the radio!! c). set ur alarm and wake up and listen to it lol or d). listen to it when ya get in from whereva ya'v bin!!! take ya pick kiddies, twill be excellent which is highly inevitable these days!!! and if its anythink like he played on saturday then i suggest ya's go and buy a blank tape from the shops and tape it so u can listen to it as much as ya's want!! xxx