After School What did you do? With this year coming to an end everything seems really surreal. Its weird to think loads of people are going off to uni and (without sounding bad) we will probably lose contact with them. Me and Coops are here for the next year so were thinking of travelling after saving some money. Did you keep in contact with anybody after school? Did you go straight to uni - or not get a job? People are still shocked when they see me n Jess out together now! They say "Aww you's are still together!"
I went to uni, still there! But still keep in touch with all my friends, as they all went to either newcastle or northumbria uni, and still live in newcastle so its all good!!!
That is good I would hate to lose contact with everyone completely but all my mates seem to be going alllll over the place! I would like to think when they come back we could have a good night out Jess is still here though Im taking a gap year So hell knows what will happen there!
I took a gap year after sixth form to get a job and earn some money for uni (was intending to go to Newcastle Uni to do Psychology) but ended up staying in my job - been there 2½ years now - and I'm doing a related course at Newcastle College.. perfect, I never really wanted to go to uni.
I kind of do and dont, I really fancy the course I would be doing it starts in 2007, but thats kind of what im thinking...If I start doing other things and decide its not for me then thats that I originally was just not going to apply for uni and then it was a rushed decision, I got offers but just decided I didnt want to! Its good ur getting to do a bit of both now too
still see loads of school mates when im at work! most of them divent recognise me like, or scared to say hello!
I'm really glad it worked out like this for me. I didn't particularly want to study Psychology for 3 years but it was my best subject and I couldn't really think of much else. Ended up taking a gap year on the spur of the moment when I went into a meeting with a careers advisor and she asked what I wanted to do and from nowhere I blurted out "gap year". Got a decent job while popping back into sixth form to sort the UCAS form etc, got my place at uni.. then really started enjoying my job, worked my way up a bit, deferred the place at uni another year (just to be on the safe side ) and only ended up withdrawing in August, about 2 weeks before I started my law course. Really pleased though because I was only ever going to go to uni because my family wanted me to and out of having nothing better to do, instead now I'm starting on a career (lawyer) I never would've considered, have made some brilliant friends at work.. and the money comes in handy too.
i left school at 17 and went straight to Uni, fucked around for 2 years and left worked in a variety of jobs in resturant, building site, even a bookshop then realised i was going nowhere so moved down to Newcastle and worked for Orange until I realised that I was going nowhere (again) and went to Uni at 24 and will finish when Im 28 moving to London in August for a year and then back to finish my course and then probably work for a year and then move abroad Unless you are used to the big wide world (i.e. you go out to clubs, smoke pot, drink loads, already have your own money etc etc) then I would definitely take a year out otherwise you might aswell just get straight in because you may find that you become too comfortable having money from a full time job and never go to Uni (obviously if you want to go to uni that is)
I went straight to Uni and travelled each summer to China and Japan, but back then we got our fee's paid for, a small grant and the loans werent massive - so my student debts were all of about 3 grand at the end of it all. I would honestly recommend anyone thinking about Uni to take a very very very very very long and hard look at why they want to go, and how they intend to pay for it - 10 to 20 grands worth of student debt will be a massive weight on your shoulders for the next 10-20 years after you graduate, and these days, graduates barely earn any more than people who didnt go to university (unless you go to study a traditional course like Law/Medicine) Probably some of the most important years of your life - but not unless you can work your way through uni, or at least come out of it with a decent qualification. Its a shame the way things have gotten with debt. A year travelling sounds brilliant though.
I love uni, one of the best things i ever done. I fucked up my 1st year and got a job while i re-applied, loved the money for a while, but proper missed being at uni! I little bit of effort reallly does go a long way at uni, its not hard to get a good grade!!
I agree with the thought thing but at 18 I had a totally different outlook on life to what i do now. I loved every minute of my time at uni, more from the life skills it gave me than from the education side. Although i did enjoy my business course as well. I still don't feel ready to settle in to a career as there are so many things yet to do, more snowboard seasons etc etc. Relationships evolve over time as people develop and change, i'm still in touch with a few people from school days and have many more mates from uni. I define a friend as someone who you can not see or speak to for months and when you do meet up things are exactly the same as when you last saw them. Those are the only people i bother to stay in touch with, anyone else i just fuck off
went straight to Uni, didnt get any loans, had a class time, drank loads, went out loads, met loads of birds, loads of good mates, did a bit of work, got a First, left uni, got a business. i would suggest going straight to Uni, but to do something slightly vocational, where you will have a job at the end (phisyo, Doctor, Dentist etc). All my dentist/Doctor mates etc get loads of $$$ now (like £35k starting). john
Spot on, got a few friends from school that I haven't seen for months, some since New Year, but I still think of them as good friends.
hardly in contact wiht anyone one from school college meeting upwiht the few i keep in touch wiht this weekend for a crazy night out in boro they aint my type of people anymore which is a shame