Just heard jules play the Corsten remix of this (i was driving to safeways - had the radio on before you say )............. FUCKING CLASS TUNE - Hardwick played this a fortnight ago.... so mint!
Was this played at Crasher, twice?? Im hunting for a song that was played twice then, it was well wicked!!
Yeah, was at Crasher. Thing is, I have no idea how the tune goes! :spangled: Cant remember! Know it got played twice tho and it had singing in it. That narows it down dont it??? Think Hardwick played it at Promise aswell, but cant really remember much of that nite.
Cud well be the agnelli and nelson one, can remember sumone mentioning them, but didnt know if it was jus their remix or sumthing. Thanks
its getting released on Xtraviganza, will probs be a while tho! cookee, PM me your address, ill send u it on CD.