gutted bunker is sold out as miller you aint purchased your ticket yet HA god how did that work out it sells out pfft think ill go trick or treating some wrecked gurner tonight in foundation and rob them
I wonder how many people bought tickets for both but don't quite manage to make it to Digital??? Probably find a few get lost down the quayside en route HAHA :spangled:
I would imagine there will be a few "casualties" in foundaton who had all intentions of going and bought both tickets but wont make it after the festivities..
I wasn't so daft. I know for a fact I'll be ready for a nice sofa or bed by 4am instead of walking all the way to Digital and starting all over again!
i couldnt handle going 2 afters aswell like i mean ill be totally fucked after shindig and with the best intentions ure just so fucked u just wanna chill plus im going 2 promise nyd ive just got a normal ticket for shindig but wor lass has a ticket for shindig and afters but she wil be selling it
Me too mate, although it'll probably be more like 7-8am!!!! Plus got some serious drinking and the match to do at tea-time
i will not be partaking in any of that caper vodka .................................................... and yes im sure it will be easy to get one come 3 am
its cos you have no stamina im also going to promise piss poor excuse that really its cos your g/f has you under the thumb hook line and sinker mug
sorry! i do feel bad for the fact that u think this! when i can go longer then u! but when im not really a big fan of house/techno SHINDIG music i cant be arsed with it all neet! and if u actully knew me ud know that im not under her or any1 elses thumb AND HOW THE FUCK DID U CUM UP WITH THAT? AS SHE HAS THE AFTERS TICKET BUT ISNT GOING