air club how mint would it be to have this bad boy as a flying nightclub it's even got two passenger decks so you could have two diffrent styles of music branson get on it son
Environmental campaigners argue against both planes, saying that the world needs to move towards less air travel as a means to help combat global warming get pissed u cunts
I hate flying ever since I got on a flight back from Ibiza 3 years ago after a 72 hour session, checking in late so me and me mates were separated, unable to sit next to each other and me being stuck next to a woman who convinced me we were gonna crash - Not nice Therefore I can't think of anything worse than clubbing on a plane in the state of mind I'd be in :spangled: Peaking 40,000 ft above the earth might sound canny, but no thanks!
no fuckin way dude that would defo do the trick thoughLOL do you not think they might have done it so you's didn't get too rowdy on the the plane though ? after all if they seen the state of you i'd have thought twice bout sittin you nxt to eachother LOL
sorry man i didn't insinuate that you were beerboys i just remember what i was like last time i was spangled on a plane :spangled:
I couldnt think of anything less appealing to me than getting wankered on a plane, id cry, beg for landing, panic and probably piss myself, just like a usual night out
Theres a couple of party busses going round town at the min. Cant think of any thing worse! they're full of charves too
Soundsystem = Nokia N70 phone, set of cheap 5watt speakers and endless amounts of Monkey blasted out..... Just like my bastard bus home every night then
listen if it gets em out of the clubs then it can only be a good thing @ andy imagine payin for that ticket then gettin busted with your did's on the door ouch!