alcoholic ice lollies would you consider eating alcoholic ice lollies whilst out clubbing which were vodka based along with exotic fruit flavours just looking for a simple YES OR NO
alcohol freezes at a much lower temperature than water, so to freeze it u need some industrial freezers, ethanol wont freeze above over -100 for 80 proof so vodka at 40 proof will probs freee at -40 odd atleast depending on the proof, after you manage to find some industrial; freezers to freeze said vodka i wouldnt like to be the one putting somet thats -40in me gob
depends tho, it doesnt work properly, if you put a double vodka into a mixture with some juice or somet, then the water in the mix will obviously freeze at 0 degrees, the vodka tho would take a lower temperature, a normal fridge cant freeze a mix of 50/50 alcohol juice. too much ethanol, the whole point of these alchotronic ice lollies is a bit void because if im buying one i wanna get plenty of booze in it, i dont want a vodka flavoured ice lollie thats gonna do bot all, thats like having a nice sundays dinner and having dog shit sauce on top
along with the fruit juice would it then not freeze easier? as the lolly would have a higher volume of the fruit juces to than that of the vodka??
nah if theres a high concentrate of alcohol in it itle be like slush, if theres a miniscule bit of alccohol in it then it would freeze aslong as it was well mixed, but like i say, it makes the whole point of an alco lolly pointless. if your mixing 2 parts vodka to 2 parts juice u will have no chance of freezing the hewer in a -20 freezer, the longer its left in the better it will work, i once left some vodka ice lollys in the freezer but it took 5 days to freeze em enough so they were lolly like and the alcohol had all but gone from them
I'm sure i've been involved in some vodka ice lolly making before. I don't think there's ever gonna be more than a shot in and sized lolly so it would probably be ok. I'd be horrified if I found a club that was offering 90/10 vodka ice lollies anyway
what you mean in size? or how big they would be in terms of sales im looking in to few ideas, sick of dead end bastard jobs and just read duncan bannatynes book and would love to start a bussiness venture of my own as he says any one can do it just find your product research the hell out of it and make sure it's profitable
well you and duncan bannatynes book are up against science on this one, in order for effective ice lollies ya gonna have to freeze em really low if ya wanna have a decent alcohol content in em. and i wouldnt wanna have a ball of ice at -40 in me trap, so its looking grim i reckon matey
was just an idea as i've never seen them before and it's now obvious why was just thinkin of them vodka jellies but like i said a lolly instead as it would be cool and refreshing and thought clubbers especialy women would like a gimmicky thing like this whilst out as you know women like to suck on lollypops
it would be good for the gurning masses when theyre all fireded up and sweating uncontrollably, few ice lollies and theys be reet.
Vodka melba is it my son? Formed in a pyrex jug deep in the classiest chalet's Prestatyn has to offer? We're on a winner here, keep this Andrew Gibson character well away or he'll pinch our million dollar idea!