angry and disgusted

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 2shocked, Oct 3, 2002.

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  1. 2shocked


    Oct 3, 2002
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    angry and disgusted

    It is always tragic when someone that you know dies. But what makes it worse is when people who barely even knew them claim that they were really good mates, and attempt to gain attention from it, like a certain someone on this board. Let me ask that person: how many brothers and sisters did he have? What pets did he have and what were their names? What football club did he support? What was his favourite subject at school? In your opinion does he look more like his mum or his dad? I doubt very much you could even answer one of these questions correctly. Some mate you are! And then I hear this person has the f*ckin audacity to go to the funeral?! Who the hell do you think you are?! What are you going say when his parents come up to you and ask you “how did you know our child? What was the thing you liked best about them?” “Well, I’ve said hi to them a couple of times in a club when I was EDITED - READ THE RULES. I did want to get to know them better but the music was just too loud to have a proper conversation. I did like the outfits that they wore tho…” !!!!
    You have no idea about that person, what their hopes, their aspirations were. What he thought about last thing at night, first thing in the morning. I think it’s sick the way you are claiming to be one of their good mates just so you can add another tragic story to your oh so tragic life. “I’ve had the worst life ever – and now a really good friend of mine has just died. Everybody feel sorry for me – everybody pay me attention”. You are NOT the victim here you selfish, self absorbed little child! Leave the mourning to the people who really did know them and will be deeply affected by their death, ulike you who is going toautomatically forget about them once everybody’s stopped talking about it. For someone who is meant to be a representaive of promise, you're not doing it any favours. You deserve a f*ucking good slap round the face missy. Grow up!
    Any one who is offended by this post - I am sorry. But it needed to be said. There are people who are unbelievably devasted by what's happened and her behaviour demeans all of it.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    You make some good points mate, maybe you should take this up with this person rather than drag it up on the board. We have tried to be as respectful as is possible about this tragic incident and I think that whoever this is aimed at will not want to reply on here even if they feel that your comments are unfair.

    I'm gonna close this thread, I did consider deleting it but I don't feel that you have said anything that warrants such action.

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