annouying adverts.. I C YES U CAN I C YES U CAN GOCOMPAIR WHYGOCOMPAIRANYWHEREANYWEREELSE and before any1 says its a good advert cos where talking about these adverts they annouy me so much i would look else wear. any1 else got some really shitty adverts to add....
NEW BRIDGE STREET BEDDING CENTRE... SHEILAS WHEELS...grrrrr possibly the most annoying things ever garenteed to make your day go downhill at the thought of them... however, best advert has got to be the 1 for a hair product a while bk where the gorrila broke into the mans house at night and started hoovering the floor with him and swinging him about etc...... you sad sad sad sad sad bastard
I hate the one for norton finance or sumik wen it goes ''JOSH, DADS FOUND YOUR SCOOTER'' makes me cringe!
and that fat cunt on safestyle uk windows.' '106107...thats 106107 noooooooooooow !' pure wanker, and he looks like bill bailey's fatter older brother
Totally hate that advert too..... as if you'd shout that while your on the phone?? :evil: And she's blantently a fake Geordie! Also, not sure if its for the same company, Picture i think its called....When they film each other while they're on the phone? Oh yea, as you do :fuming:
haha I know, she also says to her bloke ''how much do we want to lend again, yes thats right 25 grand'' as if she forgot!
Those adverts are the most annoying thing I've seen in ages, that womans stupid fake geordie accent does my head in. [ame=""]YouTube- Picture Loans Advert - Northern Scooter Lady[/ame]