Annoyed... Grrr... I've had a right hell on with work am totally annoyed at the fact that some people are right ******* I started working part time in my local to earn a bit of extra ££ before xmas and when I started the landlord was on holiday... Not a problem....until pay day! Everyone gets paid except me? Why? Apparently my details wouldnt be accepted onto the computer and so i was told i'd have to wait for next months pay to make up for it... I dont think so - I basically told the woman in charge If you dont pay me i'll walk out now! She evenually agreed to pay me the ££ from her wages and write her a post dated cheque, which i was happy to do. Now my landlord is back and she has gone back to wherever I got questioned why i was adding on "phantom hours" I explained what had happened only to learn that she had never tried to put my details on the comp in the first place and has not added on my hours...thus i'm not getting paid AGAIN for that week!!! If she thinks she's getting away with my wages when it's her bloody problem she's another thing coming... I've just this minute cancelled that cheque which cost me £10 bloody quid Not a happy bunny!
Eh?!? So they werent gonna pay you at all for that week?? :shock: Or just pay you late? Thats shite And what banks charges £10 to stop a cheque!!! What a bloody rip off! It doesnt cost them anything to do :evil: Greedy bastards
Re: Annoyed... When you phone up the bank to cancel a cheque, say that it got lost in the post and so the person you sent it to never received it. Therefore it wasn't YOUR fault so they don't charge you for it That's with Barclays anyway, and I found it out because I had to cancel a cheque because it actually DID get lost in the post.
They shouldnt charge anyway :angry: If my greedy bank doesnt need to charge, Im dam sure everyone else doesnt
Damn. I wish i knew that before hand... Oh well - i'm more laughing at the fact that that stupid cow isnt going to get that money when she thinks she is shouldnt have left me in the shit really...