Another 'To Discuss' thread ..... Not racism- unless someone can cleverly turn the thread around ... instead it's make-up ........ ..... The potential takover of The Body Shop by L'Oreal ....... -Should The Body Shop stay out on it's own as THE ethical cosmetics company ?? ...Would a takeover ruin it's image ?? -Alternatively if you don't know/care, but would just like to discuss your favourite make-up product, then i'd say the body shop's illuminating eye cream for my ever increasing dark circles
Yeah, i think racism is 'more popular' than globalisation. Never mind, next time i feel like talking about make-up i'll just say that in the title
Bodyshop started out as a great 80's 'spirit of the entrepreneur' kind of business and alot of its success was probably down to women supporting a female businesswoman and her ethical products..... .... These days, what is it but another franchised marketing machine - Its questionable if it really is as ethical as it makes/made itself out to be since it has shareholders to answer to, and is being taken over by a company that relies on heavy marketing to push its products. I like the idea of the bodyshop - but a bit like starbucks, it seems to be riding on a wave of consumer support that might dry out as soon as people realise the products arent as kind as they pretend they are.
I hate the bodyshop... my mother forced me to use their shampoos as a child which resulted in mass bullying, as my hair stunk of hippy