Antibiotics ? I've been taking antibiotics for tonsollitis since thursday morning, should i have seen an improvement yet ? My throat feels no better than what it did the day i went to the doctors.
Re: Antibiotics ? When I had tonsilitis as soon as I had taken the antibiotics for afew days it started getting better, took about a week after to feel a bit normal but could tell the difference. Tonsilitis is quite often meant to go away by itself without antibiotics too. I think you should go back to the doctors Hope you feel better soon
i have a few days left on one lot of tablets! i fucking hope it clears up soon, i go on holiday a week on wednesday i haven't been able to eat anything at all since tuesday night as it hurts like fuck when i swallow, drinking water is also a very painful task
You might have developed acute tonsilitus. Acute meaning severe by the way, get yourself back to the quacks and he will change your antibiotics to something a bit stronger. Be warned though, when getting stronger antibiotics there can be some nasty side effects which basically make you vomit until it's just bile. I know this cos i had glandular fever and acute tonsilitus both at the same time
its not as bad today, but i still can't eat anything as its too painful, got two days left of the tablets he gave me! might have to go back to docs on thursday
gargle either solubale aspirin with warm water or salt with warm water both vile but it should help that & eat lots of ice cream/lollies get well soon :hug:
amoxacillan (sp) and i'm not sure the other ones, i have a stomach ulcer too tho and the doc said they would sort both tonsils and stomach out ? i am taking paracetamol too, still knack when i try to swallow either food or water