Anyone catch the Chems @ Creamfields? Did they play any their own new stuff?? What were they like?? bastards never turned up at the Warehouse!!!!
yup i did they were fucking amazing...i was trashed so have no idea what they played i just know it was class!
we were in the tent from 10 pm for dave clark so we got to c them chems, we than left & came back & got into the tent again after playing on sum rides!!
you left the Chems to go play on some fairground rides :spangled: they'd still have been later you know
The tent was rammed when Me, Hogg Mick and Clare went to see them. We couldve got in but we didn't see the point of getting crushed so we sat outside for a bit
i fucking forgot to see them again!! every bloody year i plan to see them but then get rather pissed and end up stumbling around and forgetting!!there's always next year i suppose!
keep an eye out next year cos I'm expecting them to be playing live some time saying as they're just polishing off their new album, Glasto is my bet