anyone ever been spiked with owt?? i have once not knowing, and a couple of times by mates who told me straight after.. did u find the effects when u dont know youve dropped can be very different & somewhat daunting?? like, when u knowingly munch u expect to come up naturally - but when u start coming up outta the blue its very different... in my opinion.. anyone?? for the record i think its a fuckin low thing to do - even if u know they munch anyway..
Of course it's going to be different if you don't know what's happening - you'd probably get a fuckload of anxiety from not knowing why you felt so odd. I'm always scepticle about people getting spiked even though I know it does happen. I also think that the prospect of GHB getting used as much as people think it does is laughable.
yeah id agree with that about ghb.. also, u gona be a little sceptical if a mates off his nut claiming to be spiked lol i only ever been done once like unknowingly... soon as it (pill / pills) kicked in i knew what id had... what made me anxious wasnt the coming up, but that someone - who i werent aware of was observing me doing so.. that make sense?