anyone ever bought any replacement technics feet?

Discussion in 'Technology' started by andygordon, Jul 9, 2004.

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  1. andygordon


    Sep 29, 2003
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    anyone ever bought any replacement technics feet?


    Two of my feet are currently missing from me technics, the result of cramming them in the back of a van. I've seen you can buy relacement feet for about 12 quid but one of them has not just come unscrewed but the bit that it screws into on the bottom of the deck has been pulled out too. Its a little metal bit with spikes on the top and a hole on the bottom for the feet to screw into. What i need to know is when you buy a replacement foot does it come with this part too or is it just the foot?

    The only good thing about it is my old hardhouse cds are getting some use again, they're currently propping up the decks!

    Thanks in advance.

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