anyone good with DIY? Does anyone know if you can paint matt emulsion straight over silk? I chose the colour paint for baby's room and my parents went out and bought it and painted it an they've done it in silk and I HATE it. Having a pregnant womans hormones is making this a really big issue and I'm all upset. They will no doubt start world war 3 if i say i hate it so is there just an easy way i could throw a coat of matt over the top to save my sanity and blood pressure? Probably not a good idea, the likelyhood of it all being the same is pretty slim, you would just take the paint off as opposed to making it less "silky" i should think I wouldn't try it anyway
You can put it straight on over the top. It's gloss that you would have a problem painting over, as far as I know. I've painted straight over silk with matt paint and had no problems at all.
I used to work for B&Q in the Piant department so....... Before you apply your nice new matt paint get some cheap white emulsion and add one part water to two parts paint and use that as a base coat over the top of the silk, do two coats of that then put your new colour over the top. or use one coat of that and one coat of the "One coat covers all" type paint. the matt won't stick to the silk and will run down the walls and go all streaky. Hope that helps
Well I was right in predicting world war i'm getting matt walls but my family are ready to disown me I though people were supposed to be nice to pregnant ladies Thanks for the tips guys!