Anyone know where i can find..?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by arnies, Oct 10, 2004.

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  1. arnies


    Dec 18, 2003
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    Anyone know where i can find..?

    I was just hoping someone could tell me if they know of any site that has or streams the weekly Blank & Jones radio series..?

    I know that streams it for free at 92Kb/s which is listenable but aint what i'm after!-Yeah i know they have a premium service in which you can pay a monthly fee and listen in at 192Kb/s but hey i aint willing to pay!

    ETS Global is a GREAT site for 192Kb/s streaming trance but it doesn't have Blank & Jones on :(

    So does anyone know of any other site that streams B&J and other GREAT Trance DJ's at 192Kb/s or has them available for download via peer to peer such as Bit Torrent..?;)
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