Anyone who works for orange/knows about phones My mobile has suddenly decided to tell me i have an 'inactive sim' for some reason. Tried takin it out, turning it off and on ... same stuff. Was working perfectly before - Its an arse cause im expecting phone calls from the readers digest prize department, and need to talk to a man about a dog. Anyone know why im gettin this, or having the same problems on Orange today?
Ring 07973100150 from a landline. That usually happens if you have done a 'sim swap'. Have you upgraded recently?
The systems have been down recently loads of people have had this problem. Usually works if you take your sim out and leave it for 5 mins then try to put it back in
ahh - seems to be fine now after a few turn on/off sessions - yeah i managed to find out the network was havin probs. Cheers for the heads up
Mine was doing that the other night and its done it on more than one occasion. gets on my tits. Sim out and in normally works but the other night it took hours. Im on orange with a k800i bastards
according to the otis diagnostic programme you may have to use a rubber on the gold bit of your sim card. But I never tell anyone to do that because it makes you sound odd.
Re: Anyone who works for orange/knows about phones happned to my orange phone two days ago. its sorts itself out after a few hours
it always annoys me when my contracts up for renewal, i can never get the perfect deal i use about 200 minutes and 500 texts and wanna pay £25 per month but no, i can have 100 mins and 500 text for £25 or 200 mins and 1000 texts for £30 when i just wanna cut it down to £25 i found a deal that would work out like that from t mobile, their flext plan... but they dont have the phones im after. i want somet like a samsung x820 or d900 would have gone for a k800i put theyre too big for what i want