Anyone work for those useless fuckers T-Mobile How the fuck do you make a complaint, cos it's a waste of time phoning 150. Even if I hit the buttons to get some insurance or shit they still don't answer the phone useless cunts :evil:
T-Mobile are about to move to Longbenton, but everything has gone tits up and they've put all their staff in Doxford Park. I was offered a job with them but decided I'd rather take redundancy.
righty ho *cracks knuckles* tell em their coverage is crap, that's what I wanted to complain about in the first place Their cust serv telephone system is shite cos there's no option to make a complaint, so I wanna complain about that Unless you wanna buy some more shit off them, you can't get through to anyone Even when you hit the buttons pretending you want some insurance or whatever still no fucker answers the phone I'm switching to vodaphone or O2 in May!! PS if you know Lynne Ferguson tell her I said ello
coverage isnt crap simon if u want to speak to someone and cant find a option just hit the lost/stolen button EVERYONE KNOWS THAT
I thought buying insurance would work just as well, but 'parrently not I figured out the only way to talk to sky is to hit the button pretending you gonna get new channels
yeah vodafone are crap, i renewd my contract with them like but theyre still wank. better off with orange id say
Yes, but do you have a lot of people over there from Longbenton? Yes you do! In fact, you have around a hundred!
for out in the sticks Si the best coverage you will get will be with either orange or vodaphone...both are the most expensive networks around & imo vodafone have abstolutely gash customer service... I was accused of lying, making things up & generally being shite when it was them who were the problem...the ylied, didn't listen, made it up & then tried to switch the blame onto myself... I nearly thought I was going to have similar problems with orange when i switched to them but i didn't in the end...instead of having my complaint laughed at & then not recorded...the bloke had a word with his manager & then i got what was due to me so go with orange rather than vodaphone
if you want to get through to campany choose the pay your bill option, they pick up in about two seconds cause they want your money
Ive had a class service from Orange til i tried to upgrade my fone and the grade A cock sent me the wrong one and has since caused me no end of grief :evil:
i had a load of shit off vodafone aswell. some twat offered me a deal but said he couldnt plce an order cos it wasnt in stock, he told me to call on the 25th of jan, so i did and was told i couldnt have that deal cos its only valid for 24 hours, i told her how can i have that deal when he couldnt palce the order cos of stock shortages, she jsut said oh well he shouldnt have gave you it, so i threatened to cancel, sent a letter in and the cunts phoned me and gave me it. waste of my time, probably got an extra months tarrif out of me the wankers.
ive been with orange few years now, never had any bother and the best thing when you ring up you can actually speak to someone who can talk english!!