anyone.... goin to goodgreef week after next...??! is there still coaches on from newcastle...?!!? or was that just in the 'good old days??' havent been to tall trees in a while and will be class to see john and adam xxx
yeah theres quite a lot of us going not sure on the crack for coaches or whatever think sorting own not getting on the steppys coach
I recon john will be on first, the best djs are always on first at goodgreef marcel - didnt know he was on, but im not too fussed about seeing him...
lol i got it wrong i ment van linden just messing my weeks up lol and aye well its gg they always do things like that
Re: anyone.... We're all off down for Slash's b'day Gonna find out more this week and will keep you posted Rach
I really wanted to go to this one but i cant get time off work to go, what a bugger eh.................defo going NOVEMBER though for BOSH LIVE hehe cant wait
aye i think we gonna try and get our own mini bus if enough ppl goin for slashs birthday coz prob cheaper and get picked up and dropped off where u want without havin to put up with all the charvas on it aswell
lee and charley and them lot defo wanna go and so do i. if youve got room gis a shout. shudnt be a bother filling a minibus up