Would go but to much hassel getting, uni cards n shit. Arcane aint what it used to be, the best ones I went to was in the late 90's. The techno room was amazing with Jonathan Miles finishing off proper NRG style, early choci stuff n that.
I might of gone if I had someone to go with and if I had a uni card, hate waiting around trying to get singed in.
Yeah they got ridd of the techno room becasue it was drawing in a bad crowd from the newcastle techno scene. A few 2 many punchers were thrown. I would still go for the drum n bass room and the house room
That will be right. I prefered punch ups in the Techno room than rubbing shoulders with HIV+ mincers in the house room...... I havent been since they dropped the room
The main room was canny varied, started off techno then house then breaks for the last 2 hours. Drum'n'bass is still the livliest room
Thought Justin Robertson was good, B Benassi was canny but didnt think much of Ali B Good night overall!
was a good night justin robertson was mint so was benni benassi played alot of vocal mixes scissor sisters etc had 2 leave halfway through his set was shattered why are nearly all the lasses there pill head munters
night was all good except for one thing. on my way to the union I had to climb this 5 foot wall (not very high you say) but I was totally wrecked. Fell off the wall onto my hed and made a deep 2-inch cut. Bleeding all night.
allie the scally lol sorry i didnt mean that it just made me laugh cause it rhymed and im silly like that
yeah, dunno how i did it. I was bleeding everywhere. I drunk a few shots of absinthe before we left and i think it works better than anaesthesia cos I didnt feel any pain all night. Plus I just been up to A+E and they said it was a 4 hour qeue, so fuck that.