It's normally on in the Telegraph in town or on Gosforth high street that I know, just buy a ticket and go
Natalie were you in the three bulls before the last home match? Northern Lights (the Jockey) on Gosforth high street has the matches on most the time
Not before, I was after, drank a bottle of wine in about half an hour on an empty stomach Not aiming for the same today, will be there agani today no doubt Was in Northern Lights for the Man City game
Must of been after then i can remember seeing you or someone who looked like you Wish i had just went to the pub instead i went and cant remember the match Probally a good thing to be honest. Im off to the bullies now
Lucky you, I'm at work till 2 then a mad dash over to town Will be in there afetrwards today though so if you see me come and say hello, I'll be with Coletrickle unless his baby pops out today, I'm expecting an announcement for him to leave halfway through
They screen the Sunderland games in Newcastle these days at this place -