Arrested for getting pissed;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl I'm so glad I don't live in America, I'ts unreal that a country like that is so lacking in civil rights. "People walk out into traffic and get run over, people jump off of balconies trying to reach a swimming pool and miss" How completely thick must someone be to make that comment, to be broadcast in a public announcement aswell.
when they first started against smoking in america people in england said just the same. how extreme they are .10 years time it will be happening here
I highly doubt it. The UK is a lot more liberal than America when it comes to alcohol/drugs use and drinking to get drunk is much more accepted than certain parts of America. Plus Texas is just generally a very backwards state.
i will move fuck that, i hate these stupid fuckin americans. give their whole country a bad name. fukin celebrities? fuck off
Technically bar staff in this country can get done for serving a drunk person as it is against the law to serve them.Its just not enforced
George Bush's daughter like a tipple or seven don't they? Would be quite amusing if they got captured under this law, though having had their collars felt before, they'd be used to the process.
aye, its like this smoking ban in pubs, most local pubs wont do that i rekon. town will tho, but u could get away with it there on the dancefloor or wotever
smoking is going to be harder to enforce, but it has been no spmoking in california for ages and now the bars/clubs have VIP smoking rooms! so there is always going to be ways around the ban
seems like a fuck on though having to have a sly tab on the dancefloor.would rather just go outside or pack in but i dont smoke so its easy for me to say
will be a nightmare for you then mate if they do enforce it which looks like theyre going to atleast in the early days of it.Nows a good a time as any to pack in