avatars Where can ya get an avatar that moves about..... i want one and having been searching for ages, its doing my head in...please help
Just check on normal websites and copy the link of it. Or cheat and check other meaage boards and pinch somebody elses
Try www.smileycentral.com They might not be clubbing based but it might work. Can't actually get on to this site at the mo as it's scouted by work and keeps coming up "Access denied"
It's just one of those things you see. I cant remember where i got it from exactly i just saved it when i spotted it. It wasn't a special avatar site or anything. Search for funny animation or something and see what u find. as long as its not too big it should work here.
picked loads of new avatars but it wouldnt let me have them cos they were too big. so picked this one cos it freaked me out a bit!!! <<<<-----------------------------------------------
yeah itis a bit freay like aint it you can change the ize of them in paint if theres an area that you can cut off the pic you wanna use