bad day... do u ever have days when u wish u hadn't got out of bed? i'm having 1 of those days i had to get up at 7.15 am to come to work i rang home by accident from my mobile every1 keeps telling me how tired i look (i feel it too even tho i got plenty of sleep last night) the zip on my purse broke the strap on my bag has broke
I'm going to have one of those tomorrow! I'm going back to work at 6.30am and I can't seem to get myself out of bed before lunchtime these uniform refuses to fit over my bump and it's going to be weeks before i get a new one. I'll stumble around giving the worng patients blood tests in my tired state and go home feeling like i'm dying lol they seem almost better when you know they are coming lol
I never did understand why women hate it when you point out they look tired or ill.... ... HOWEVER, if they want you to be nice to them and you haven taken notice of it - they say "cant you see how ill/tired i look!" ...
It's starting to frighten me....i was at my birth centre last week checking in and the woman refused point blank to beleive that i was only 17 weeks pregnant. She was like "yeaaah huni we'll be seeing you in about a month" I had to show her the dates on my scans and my doctors notes from england for her to beleive me I have an appointment in london on wednesday at the american embassy....The original plan of hiding the fact that I'm pregnant has gone right out of the window
yes, today. sill in sat nights clothes, no make up, no hair straighteners, snotty nose, sweatshirt, fake tan accident, and i see the lass who i hate from school. FUCK
too good, my back is aching, i smell, i cant sit down very well (but thats not my fault) i can't breathe (ive got cold) im dehydrated, im trembleing, skint, i look lie ive been tangoed, i need a drink but no-one is coming out, ok so ive rang 2 ppl in my phone book lol yours?
at work getting paid a fortune got nothing to do Saira is warming the bed up as we speak got smashed sat night :spangled: too ill to do everything I wanted to do ended up fighting with the bedlington criminal underworld pah
i'm working an extra hour & a half now cos the cash will come in handy! then it's off to the metro centre to buy a new purse!!
i don't mind really...i cud've been finished at's ded quiet & i'm getting paid lots for this!!
Not hijacking your thread Ruth but I have had the worst day ever!! Got up late, got to work just on time. Forgot to bring my lunch Went out for lunch got stuck behind a huge van and was late back at work!! :evil: Got itno work to find I hadnt done a report that was due in last Wed! Got laods of work to do 2nite for college to realise I am missing Mick and Hutchy In sunderland! :evil: Cause i thought it was lastnite which I was going to go to but feel asleep before hand! To top it all off my head is KILLING ME!! :evil:
Not like you Spence to bring things like that up I was comparing my bad day to my normal days not other peoples. Thanks for pointing it out thou!
I have had the worst day ever. After a grand total of 45 minutes sleep I turned up half pissed/half hungover and spent most of the day dropping everything and generally not having much of a clue what was going on. Finally sorted myself out after some lunch only for a daft old cowbag to insult me on the phone for 20 minutes, blaming me for the fact that she hadn't had a reply to a letter she sent to us in June 2003, even though I only started there in November 2003 .. then she said if I didn't sort it over the next few days she'd get the police on me and report me to the Law Society. Great.