Dunno :spangled: My moods always seem to change dead quickly for no apparent reason I'm just odd though
I am normally a huffy little twat at the best of times but lately (Probs cos i havent had pills for a few weeks) i am sound and feel alot better for it This breaks working ok, shall see how long it lasts
I throw the best bad moods! "WHO THE FUCKS DRANK ALL THE FUCKING MILK" the silliest things like that!
if youve taken drugs recently that'll be why, i used to get some wierd mood swings where i could acually feel myself getting happy and feeling like shit lol
im in a right mood at the mo coz of this fucking bastard application form, some of the questions:bang: :fuming: my moods are realy bad,still on the buckets at 26 sad c*nt a know but if a don't have a smoke every day a just go off on one over the least little'st thing tried to pack in on numerous occations but alway's end up back on it:evil:
shortage of cash an a seriously large chucky bill really get on me tits,,,bellend drivers also really really fuck us off!!!!!!!! but me ma an da are away at the mo so lifes easy :chill:
Im always in a bad mood at work. I sit there with a right :evil: face on Im also in a bad mood when Im tired, which is like all the time