Bank Charges Stick down what charges you've been hit with over the years, be it charges for insufficient funds, late credit card payments, missed payments ... etc, etc.... and we'll do a full tally and average once everyone's posted. I'll start the ball rolling ... I reckon since I was about 17-18 I've probably paid about £750 minimum worth of charges. The light at the end of the tunnel is that I'll be debt free (mortgage excluded) very soon. Massive weight of my shoulders. Sub topic: How the fuck do they get aways with this??? and why does it take 5 days for a cheque to clear???
Re: Bank Charges I'm about the same m8, getting hit with charges like £20 for a letter telling me I'm over my overdraft limit :evil: I have paid through the nose, it's my own fault I suppose for not managing my money the right way.
Me too, but I've finally done something about it. Your just throwing money away and it always catches up. Don't ignore post kids
i paid £25 every mth for nearly 2 yrs (sometimes twice a mth) cos my bank refused to change the date a payment came out on....i then went into a branch about something else 1 day & the lady i spoke to suggested changing the date...i told her i'd tried but had been unable she changed it there & then!! i was livid! :evil:
I have quite a bit of debt to clear, how did you manage ? become a hermit ? I'm having problems getting rid
Prioritise it, it makes you feel so much better and far less skint in the long run. The most important thing I did was organise all my direct debits for the day after I was paid. Then I just started taking the hit on my wages and set up payments again the day after I was paid to get rid of it. By next January I'll be completetly rid of my final visa and all the debt from years of clubbing, holidays in Ibiza and blatent disrespect for money.
i got chagred £40 for being over my overdraft limit for 2days. annoying thing was i had money in another account whcih i would have put in but i did'nt know nothing about the charges!!!
If you ring the bank and explain the situation, ie the moneys there 2 days later, they'll prob refund the charge for you. They always have done for me
ive never ever had a single charge from the bank - i suppose it that i know how it works, so know what i need to do to avoid the charge, anyone wants to know what to say to avoid them PM me and ill spill the secrects coz thats just the kinda girl i am
Having worked for a bank, I have no sympathy for you, daft arse. Agreed the charges are way way too high, but surely in that length of time, you should have either learned to get round the system or manage ur dam finances! I only pay interest on my debt
id say about 300-400 in charges easy, scamming twats i had 2 direct debits bounce last week cos my holiday pay didnt go through in time, my boss didnt know the new fucking system :spangled: so havent been paid in 3 weeks, tried explaining this to the bank to no sympathy, getting charged £60 cos my boss hasnt got a clue
Can you not try and claim it back from him then. Its his fault, not the banks tbh. Pretty harsh tho hun
na hes blaming head office but overheard him on the phone to them apologising for filling in the holiday form incorrectly, but i didnt even know in time to cancel the DD's, he did it to a few people who've had holidays this month so none of us are getting paid!! worked out better in a way like, got more to spend this weekend when theres stuff on worth going to
yeah i know pretty gutted like, wud've been mint, bright side tho got holidays in for tiesto in may you goin to TL tonite??
yeh been meaning to get changed for the last 30 mins but just not happening!! gona go for bowt 8ish so il c ya down there tiesto will kick arse like
DON'T BECOME A HERMIT!! YOU GET MORE EXPENSIVE TASTES!! I became a hermit for a while to reverse my bank balance, but then I picked up other hobbies like holidays to Australia and am only better off coz I'm a bit more cultured. My bank balance is now worse than when I started my debt solving problems.