Bargains Has any1 picked up any bargains recently? I got the Wedding Singer on DVD today for £3.99 Well chuffed!
Went into Virgin in Liverpool on Saturday as I had an hour and a half to burn before meeting 'her' from work. Had a look through the 'bargain bin' that was more or less full of utter shite, and found a nice Jay-J white label for 49p!
few tootal scarves all under £5 hermes tie £1.50 (loosk rancid though) few skinny ties under £2 3 piece pin stripe 60's suit £60 All in chairty shops or ebay, bar suit - but suit is immaculate so deserved a mention.
or a black bomber jacket! nar, i'm too scared. one of the cyber kids might try and duff me in. :cyber:
i'll have to try it one night, wear a bomber jacket, walk past all the sofas, see if people immediately sit up and try look normal... or go round telling people "put your ben sherman back on..."
Nice1, thats defo a bargain for brand new ones I cant use them, I like big cans, I have Sony 700's at the mo! Jim