been on hold proper drives me round the bend been on hold since 8.30 this morning grrrrr it wouldnt bother me if i was just ringing out of the blue but when you have a specific time to call snd theres no one picking up ahhhhhhhhhh the nhs are proper crap
ha ha ha if they actually picked the phone up instead of stupid music i may might not help though but still :evil:
definatley annoying id go down to book but im stupid with directions so will have to wait on hold 61 mins now ahhhhh
i say you go down to the place with a broom shank and demand to speak to the person in charge! Then when you leave deliberately knock all pamflets and leaflets you can see on the floor, then shout "that'll teach ya"!
i feel you pain like its so bad, thankfully now because of the internet, quite a lot of these phonecalls can be avoided.