Best Live Set? Ok then people, here's one to rack the brains!!! What is the best live set you have ever heard??? Can be more than one...cos a know how hard it can be to narrow these things down!!!!!!!!!! For me oakey @ lotherton hall ' 99, matt hardwick 22/11 @ promise! Theres many ,many more but cant think of em atm So people, which live sets do it for you?
not heard many armin sets that av not liked to be honest...theres summit about the style he plays that makes me always enjoy hiss ets! a lot like matt hardwick...that guy is GOD at the minute and i cant bloody wait to see him again!!!! 20th - 2 days after my 22nd b/day so i expect an extra special set from matt
one of my pet hates - mcs....theres a time and a place for em..........locked away in a room on their own forever! cant stand em small doses sometimes works well..but some of them cant shut up and spoil the set! dumonde live from trance energy 2002 suffered from this..
hes pretty much back on form now i reckon.....all the stuff i heard from him from the last few months has been really good!
aye? good stuff - al grab some of his recent stuff and have a listen. cos to be fair av just skipped past his stuff cos a didnt think ad like it that'll teach me - shud always have a listen before passin judgement!
Without a dout it has to be DJ Rush V's Chris Liebing - live @ Plaza Bingen 31/10/01. Tis 8hrs long all back to back.
hmmm, so many too choose from, i just can't decide! But I'm sure Mr Halliwell would be in there somewhere!
signum @ crasher for the first time back in august 01 simply amazing! also picotto at godskitchen @ amnesia 24/07/01 probably the two bests sets i've witnessed and i'm not really a fan of picotto these days so that says a lot!