Biggest Loser Im counting on you here Jess, but dunno if anyone has bene watching this?? It's on Living TV and basically is jsut a get slim programme. It's the final tonight and I can't believe how much weight they have lost Some of them have chnged so much in the time they've been on the show and even change facially, it's amazing It's even inspired me to do a few sit ups tonight
just need a teeny bit more of a flatter stomach, its cos ive gone from walking into uni to sitting on my arse all day doing sweet fa eating loads of shit a few sit ups never hurt anyone although im not so sure ill be saying that tomorrow
of course not ,have plenty of time to do them when you go on holiday,don't forget the postcard/stick of rock
Re: Biggest Loser YEAH! Course Ive been watching it! I want the man from the red team to win! Have they announced the winner yet? Ive been at work tonight
The guy from the blue team won it, Mark, the lasty 3 looked amazing, altogether the lot of them lost over 40 or 50 stone But the black lady looked like she'd put some on, she had a red corsety type top on and her back fat was hanging over the back :sick: