blond >Lorry driver driving through Essex. Stops at a red light, and a car >pulls up behind him, the door opens and a blonde woman gets out, runs >up to the door and knocks on his window. >The lorry driver lowers the window and the woman says: "Hi, my name's >Heather, you're losing your load from your lorry" >The lorry driver grunts and winds his window back up and as the lights >change he pulls away, only to get caught at the next set of lights, where >the blonde again knocks on the window, gets him to lower it and as if it >never happened says: >"Hi, my name's Heather, you're losing your load from your lorry" He again >rolls his eyes and pulls away as the lights change..... once again he gets >caught by the lights and he sees her running up once more. She again knocks >on the window, he lowers it and again she comes out with: >"Hi, my name's Heather, you're losing your load from your lorry" He says >something rather rude under his breath and roars away from the lights >shaking his head. >He swears like mad as he sees the next set of lights turning red and the >woman's car tearing up behind him. Before she can get out he throws open >his >door, jumps down and legs it back to her car. She rolls her window down as >he knocks and he says: > Wait for it........ > > > > > >"Hi, my name's Dave, and I'm driving a f**king gritter!!!"