board awards 2005

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ianmc, Dec 17, 2005.

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  1. ianmc

    ianmc Registered User

    Apr 15, 2004
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    getting mad niggerish with charlie murphy
    board awards 2005

    sorry if it been done

    1. Board Hero -

    2. Board Villain -

    3. Best looking male -

    4. Best looking female -

    5. Friendliest board member -

    6. Meanest board member -

    7. Most interesting posts -

    8. Board member you'd most likely buy a pint -

    9. Member you wouldn't spit on if they were on fire -

    10. Member you'd most like to meet -

    11. Female with the best personality -

    12. Male with the best personality -

    13. Board's biggest bike -

    14. Best board couple -

    15. Member you wish still came on here -

    16. Member with the best comebacks -

    17. Board comedian -

    18. Board comedienne -

    19. Board's biggest bitch -

    20. Most likely to be put in jail -

    21. Member with the brownest nose -

    22. Most irritating member -

    23. Biggest know-it-all -

    24. Best musical knowledge -

    25. Best mix submitted in the music forum -

    26. Most likely to have a career in DJing -

    27. Most likely to end up dead in a gutter -

    28. Should be banned for life -

    29. Member most likely to still be on here in 30 years -

    30. Lifetime achievement award -

    31. sexiest male -

    32 sexiest female -

    33 most boring member -
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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  4. ianmc

    ianmc Registered User

    Apr 15, 2004
    Likes Received:
    getting mad niggerish with charlie murphy
    sorry :D
  5. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Re: board awards 2005

    Answered what I could.. :D

    1. Board Hero - Rob.. for keepin us goin :up: :D

    2. Board Villain - Khunt

    3. Best looking male - Erm... NO

    4. Best looking female - Can't possibly answer that.

    5. Friendliest board member - Me :D :angel2:

    6. Meanest board member - Dunno.. everyones nice to me :)

    7. Most interesting posts - Teknofish's always have something about them...

    8. Board member you'd most likely buy a pint - Probs Dodgy..

    9. Member you wouldn't spit on if they were on fire - LMAO.. harsh. Khunt again..

    10. Member you'd most like to meet - Dodgy.. the guys a legend.

    11. Female with the best personality - All the females on here seem to have a good personality. If I had to choose one.. erm.. Cookee or Ruth..

    12. Male with the best personality -

    13. Board's biggest bike - LMAO.. View the pole.. if it hasn't been edited yet :p

    14. Best board couple - Miller and Cookee.

    15. Member you wish still came on here - Dodgy :(

    16. Member with the best comebacks - Dunno probs Teknofish or nana

    22. Most irritating member - All the GG board lot who joined.. or Khunt again.

    25. Best mix submitted in the music forum - Dunno if its been submitted in the music forums but I quite like Chris S's little mix he has done

    26. Most likely to have a career in DJing - There are loads on here.. all the twisted logic guys probably have a good shout.

    28. Should be banned for life - That Khunt Guy and GGboard ppl who only join to annoy..

    31. sexiest male - Definetly no comment..

    32 sexiest female - No comment
  6. RDR

    RDR Banned

    Aug 17, 2005
    Likes Received:
    making dodgy deals
    Chandler do you want Dodgy's phone number, you can ask him out on a date :lol:
  7. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    LMAO.. no thanks dude.. no anal cavity action for me I'm afraid lol...
  8. RDR

    RDR Banned

    Aug 17, 2005
    Likes Received:
    making dodgy deals
    sex on a 1st date :eek: :lol:
  9. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Well.. if its on offer then why not?? :D
  10. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: board awards 2005

    1. Board Hero - Rob, we all know why

    2. Board Villain - Harper, what exactly is that boys point?

    3. Best looking male - Nat

    4. Best looking female - Sarahatbeep

    5. Friendliest board member - Mick (play)

    6. Meanest board member - Mark Deakin for binning Promise

    7. Most interesting posts - Whoever starts scandal

    8. Board member you'd most likely buy a pint - Urban Merlin

    9. Member you wouldn't spit on if they were on fire - I always wanted to be a firefighter :p

    10. Member you'd most like to meet - Brid

    11. Female with the best personality - Ruth

    12. Male with the best personality - Pike

    13. Board's biggest bike - Me

    14. Best board couple - Miller and Cookee

    15. Member you wish still came on here - Thespence

    16. Member with the best comebacks - Everyone has their moments

    17. Board comedian - Pike

    18. Board comedienne - Jess

    19. Board's biggest bitch - Jess

    20. Most likely to be put in jail -

    21. Member with the brownest nose - Chandler_90 ;)

    22. Most irritating member - Harper

    23. Biggest know-it-all - Nobody knows it all

    24. Best musical knowledge - Dan has his moments

    25. Best mix submitted in the music forum - Miikka & Juissi

    26. Most likely to have a career in DJing - Luke Terry

    27. Most likely to end up dead in a gutter - Harsh

    28. Should be banned for life - Harper - see my above comment

    29. Member most likely to still be on here in 30 years - Rob :lol:

    30. Lifetime achievement award - Confuzzled - from wreck head to barrister :king: :lol: ;)

    31. sexiest male - Behave

    32 sexiest female - Sarahatbeep

    33 most boring member - Chris_spence WORK :lol:
  11. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Re: board awards 2005

    Hes just one of the good guys :lol:
  12. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Re: Re: board awards 2005

    lmfao :lol:
  13. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Re: Re: board awards 2005

    I think your confused.. it doesn't say biggest nose.. :p
  14. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Bite me you little mofo.

    ps i have [​IMG]
  15. Chris S

    Chris S Monkey Tennis?

    Jun 3, 2002
    Likes Received:
    lol i honestly cant say....
    ray pm or whatever lol
  16. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    R I
  17. Sasha

    Sasha Registered User

    May 9, 2003
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    Dirty Leeds
    1. Board Hero - Rob

    3. Best looking male - miller

    4. Best looking female - jess and sarah

    5. Friendliest board member - Fran

    6. Meanest board member - joe, but mostly honest

    7. Most interesting posts - when a ruck occurs :p

    8. Board member you'd most likely buy a pint - smog aka martin

    9. Member you wouldn't spit on if they were on fire - im not a mean bitch :p

    10. Member you'd most like to meet again - katie :( i havent see you in so long

    11. Female with the best personality - paula

    12. Male with the best personality - paul lancaster

    13. Board's biggest bike - wouldnt like to say

    14. Best board couple - miller and cookee

    15. Member you wish still came on here - the spence :( i miss him! and heather!

    16. Member with the best comebacks - jess or pike

    17. Board comedian - pike

    18. Board comedienne - jess

    19. Board's biggest bitch - wouldnt like to say :shock:

    20. Most likely to be put in jail - there's a few ;)

    21. Member with the brownest nose - nass, but in a good way :)

    24. Best musical knowledge - not me im terrible. erm donno depends on the type of music?

    25. Best mix submitted in the music forum - i dont know i never really look :lol:

    26. Most likely to have a career in DJing - revel and james, jon mack

    27. Most likely to end up dead in a gutter - thats harsh :mad: i wouldnt wish that upon anyone

    29. Member most likely to still be on here in 30 years - hannahwild

    30. Lifetime achievement award - lee :)

    31. sexiest male - is there any? ;)

    32 sexiest female - cookee and katie, they wear some hot outfits

    33 most boring member - chris spence, just because he needs to get out more and stop working EVERY weekend :lol:
  18. Jason Bourne

    Jason Bourne Registered User

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    I'm officially confused... again.. :lol:
  19. Jess C

    Jess C Tookie

    May 15, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Re: board awards 2005

    1. Board Hero - nana

    2. Board Villain - Pike (in a good way :devil2: :love:

    3. Best looking male - hmm I think there is a couple

    4. Best looking female - Katie and Cookiee

    5. Friendliest board member - Sasha

    6. Meanest board member - ermmm Joe

    7. Most interesting posts - Brid, Joe and pike

    8. Board member you'd most likely buy a pint - erm I duno?

    9. Member you wouldn't spit on if they were on fire - DRM you evil pig

    10. Member you'd most like to meet - I think Ive met nearly everyone

    11. Female with the best personality - Katie obviously and I really get on well with Missy and Cookee

    12. Male with the best personality - Rob is really friendly

    13. Board's biggest bike - me apparently :D

    14. Best board couple - Miller and Cookee!

    15. Member you wish still came on here - THE SPENCE

    16. Member with the best comebacks - Pike , scruf and Jon

    17. Board comedian - ermm the spence and again pike :)blush: )

    18. Board comedienne - ermm Cookee (on the sly)and Glitter when shes here!

    19. Board's biggest bitch - Don't know probably me :D

    20. Most likely to be put in jail - You naughty people who download your trance for *GASP* FREEEEEE

    21. Member with the brownest nose - Chandler you're lovely mister don't get me wrong!

    22. Most irritating member - DRM YOU SCALY REPTILE

    23. Biggest know-it-all - erm Brid (in a good way hes not cocky)

    24. Best musical knowledge - I duno depends on genre

    25. Best mix submitted in the music forum - ermmmmmmm dunno

    26. Most likely to have a career in DJing - Jon I think is class

    27. Most likely to end up dead in a gutter - :lol: ermmmm casy? not so much dead but she never seems to have a home so will prob set up camp in a gutter

    28. Should be banned for life - them freaks who come under false names

    29. Member most likely to still be on here in 30 years - me (ive got plenty years left in me yet)

    30. Lifetime achievement award - I duno what this means

    31. sexiest male - ermmmmmmmmm

    32 sexiest female - ermmmmmmm

    33 most boring member - erm Chris spence :lol: U weren't always!
  20. Smog

    Smog Registered User

    Nov 21, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Re: board awards 2005

    1. Board Hero - man of science

    2. Board Villain - harper

    3. Best looking male - i was a fucking model

    4. Best looking female - paula :love:

    5. Friendliest board member - play

    6. Meanest board member - oooh meany

    7. Most interesting posts - joe

    8. Board member you'd most likely buy a pint - joe

    9. Member you wouldn't spit on if they were on fire - im not that arsed

    10. Member you'd most like to meet - erm, dunno, met most of em

    11. Female with the best personality - paula, or sarah

    12. Male with the best personality - :lol:

    13. Board's biggest bike - haha, i decline to comment

    14. Best board couple -me and paula

    15. Member you wish still came on here - spence

    16. Member with the best comebacks - joe

    17. Board comedian - spence

    18. Board comedienne - roofio

    19. Board's biggest bitch - glitter

    20. Most likely to be put in jail - bummel

    21. Member with the brownest nose - one of the pc softies

    22. Most irritating member - leethemackem has his moments

    23. Biggest know-it-all - brid, in a good way tho

    24. Best musical knowledge - on here? haha! sad bastards.

    25. Best mix submitted in the music forum - pete robinson

    26. Most likely to have a career in DJing - pete again

    27. Most likely to end up dead in a gutter - :(

    28. Should be banned for life - harper

    29. Member most likely to still be on here in 30 years - pike

    30. Lifetime achievement award - :lol:

    31. sexiest male - :lol:

    32 sexiest female - paula... i remember that french maids outfit :drool:

    33 most boring member - there's a couple...
  21. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Islington, London
    Re: board awards 2005

    1. Board Hero - Jambon :lol:

    2. Board Villain - Mack

    3. Best looking male - Eyeball :love:

    4. Best looking female - Jess

    5. Friendliest board member - Kid, does it with a spine

    6. Meanest board member - No one comes close to Batfink for bringing children to tears

    7. Most interesting posts - The only ones with a clue, so Jambon, Confuzzled, Revel, Dave, Eyeball, the Wilkinson brothers etc.

    8. Board member you'd most likely buy a pint - You're having a fucking laugh, my nickname isn't 'epstein' for nothing ;)

    9. Member you wouldn't spit on if they were on fire - Glitter Angel

    10. Member you'd most like to meet - Clique

    11. Female with the best personality - For pure brattishness, Jess..

    12. Male with the best personality - Eyeball

    13. Board's biggest bike - Glitter 'Halfords' Angel

    14. Best board couple - Martin & Paula.. they took me in when I had nowhere to go... rent free of course ;)

    15. Member you wish still came on here - Kid

    16. Member with the best comebacks - the Wilkinsons, froggy especially has surpassed himself recently..

    17. Board comedian - Froggy.. the comeback to 'I lost my Gran' was gold... followed up by the jock and his big fat spoon..

    18. Board comedienne - Loosy & Jess

    19. Board's biggest bitch - Jess uses faux bitchiness, Snack.

    20. Most likely to be put in jail - :lol: :lol: :lol:

    21. Member with the brownest nose - Chandler / Marce

    22. Most irritating member - Crasherkid, has he learnt a better insult than 'go fist yourself/ your mum' yet? :upyours:

    23. Biggest know-it-all - Brid?

    24. Best musical knowledge - None.

    25. Best mix submitted in the music forum - Mixes are for children.

    26. Most likely to have a career in DJing - Outside of the north east? lets not kid oursleves now :lol:

    27. Most likely to end up dead in a gutter - Smog, no doubt hit by the number 1 looking the wrong way while demisting his glasses with a hanky his mum gave him, speccy twat.

    28. Should be banned for life - nod arsed la

    29. Member most likely to still be on here in 30 years - Pike

    30. Lifetime achievement award - Me

    31. sexiest male - Leon

    32 sexiest female - ahaha

    33 most boring member - Chandler

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