Bouncing email..

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Simon L, Jun 1, 2004.

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  1. Simon L

    Simon L Registered User

    Jun 21, 2002
    Likes Received:
    A wonky wonderland
    Bouncing email..

    I am trying to send a message to another person in the office, sometimes the emails get's to them other times I get the following message:

    Diagnostic was Unable to transfer, -1
    Information Parameter problem: <c2bsmtp01>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname

    Any ideas, please?? :dunce:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    hhmm.... not sure. Weird how it works sometimes and not others. Check your Email account settings - make sure as much as possible is filled in - like sender/reply email address boxes, stuff like that... is it 'work' email , i.e. exchange server or central mail server - or is it ISP dial up mail?
  4. Simon L

    Simon L Registered User

    Jun 21, 2002
    Likes Received:
    A wonky wonderland
    hmmm, the email goes through pipex but pipex links together a number of different email addresses (if that makes sense) before going into outlook!
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Hang on, just done a Google - got this :

    Why do I get this error when I send an email to a lycos address?
    "Directly send error! Info : <x01905>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname"
    The logon of your hostname is forbidden by the recipients' server, you need to specify another hostname that is allowed to log on from Settings --> hostname for HELO/EHLO

    Dunno what it means... will look further...
  6. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    aha! Found something else!

    You need to set up the host name of your computer.... more over this error appears when there is no DNS service set up on your machine/no dns servers defined in your /etc files...

    The way i would give yourself a hostname is : (If you're running XP) Right Click on My Computer and go to 'Properties', then Click on 'Computer Name' then click the bottom box which should be 'Change' Stick something else in there. You'll need to reboot.

    BEWARE!!! If you're part of a network this could bugger things up. Make note of whatevers in there first of all. Infact - don't change it! Without seeing the set up i wouldn't want to say "change this" for definate cause it might cause further issues. See if u can send Pipex and email with the error message in - they'll probably give u specific info as to your set up.

    It's all to do with Spam. They're trying to cut down on it so using hostname of Pcs - it's easier to track.
  7. Simon L

    Simon L Registered User

    Jun 21, 2002
    Likes Received:
    A wonky wonderland
    Nice one cheers fella, will send an email to pipex and see what their crack is!

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