buses does anyone no any buses that run from stanhope to consett on a sunday morning. need someway of getting back from the farm party as my lift has fell through
jump on a decent size pig. dont tell him you're going to consett though. anyways, i thought the farm party was at edmundbyers which is only a few miles from consett and nowhere near stanhope??? :spangled:
There's the 773 from Edmundbyers to Consett but it doesn't run on a Sunday and it usually only runs 3 times a day anyway. Your best bet is either a Neashams or Atlas Taxi (01207 504425 / 01207 509770). I'd imagine it shouldn't be more than a fiver, ring them up and ask.
I was gonna offer a lift as i suddenly have transport but i think it may be full.. pm me in the morning if u still have no luck and I can possibly squeeze u into one of the cars. U might have to chuck a bit of petrol money in cos it's a bit out of the way but let me know. We're planning on going for about 5/6/7.