Bush cuts healthcare to fund his war on terror.... Disgusting! He's cutting spending on the Medicare system for retired people and plans to save $12billion from reducing eligibility to Medicaid which is a healthcare program for children and poor people. And for what? Outrageous! Full story http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6332555.stm
we have the NHS....the yanks don't have an equivalent. nor do we screw retired people, kids and poorer families by cutting their healthcare programs!
He's actually only cutting medicare/medicaid spending by about $20bn, but military spending is up $700bn, so it's not quite as clean cut as he's cutting health spending to increase military. Also, it's hardly Bush's budget, he'll have a cabinet of advisors and secretaries to come up with a budget, which he signs off on. Plus, it's not yet through congress- it'll probably see quite a few changes before being ratified. Why do people insist on making sweeping anti-Bush generalisations?
Thousands of old people die needlessly every winter wihtout much help or support from the government here. We're not a great deal better.
how is it a generalisation? Obviously changes will be made but this isn't the first time Bush has called for cuts to healthcare.
Because your post infers that he's simply taking money out of one pot to put it in the other, when in reality I don't think it works like that.