bussiness ideas right i've just read duncan bannatynes book and it's a very intreastig read i could'nt put it down till id finished it if you could start business of your own what would it be????? wait for ideas to pinch
Im sorry, you come here after reading a book and you expect us to arm you with ideas for you to take into buisness? Well, i'll let you know where I am, I refuse to give amateurs ideas which could take money out of my pocket so for that reason, I'm out.
Start a spelling school, start of with showing everyone how to spell business correct first But seriously if I had the money to start up a business I wouldn't bother I'd go straight into property development I would enjoy it much more than any business I think.
ibe had a great bizzness idea since just after xmas day..unfortuanatly i do nt have enough cash to make prototypes and if i went to the bank they would think im mad...no 1 has ever tryed/done what ive thought of... il probly be a hermit in me garage building for months and never go out until i succede,and i know its possibleto do but obvooiusly im not guna tell