byker... is it a totally dodgy place to buy a house or are there some okay areas..!??! looking at house prices cos wanting to buy asap but cant afford anything in heaton and bykers looking to be my best bet if i want to stay living near my friends... whats byker like tho is all of it totally dodgy or is some of it okay...!??!! xxx
Which part of Byker? Some of it can be quite rough, I wouldn't want to live near the byker wall, although I think the council houses there actually look quite nice, and I'd love a top floor room at the byker wall. :$ They have balconies and everything.
buy a 2-bed flat in heaton, and rent out a room ie £110k ish = £550 a month mortgage charge someone £200 a month for the spare room only costs you £350 a month * rough figures
Dream on, that isnt a self cert rate and thats what most ppl on here inc Rach would need for the morg of that size. Rach> If I was looking id look around Shieldfield rather than Byker, its closer to Town and Jesmond and has a great chance of making you some money
oooo thanks pike will look into that... am just having one of my crazy moments where i decide that i want to buy a house now!! been looking into it and i can get a 100% mortgage and if i get someone to come and rent one of my rooms then it should be kind of affordable!! im just sick of paying my hard earned pennies to a landlord when i could be paying them into a property!! xxx
thank you for all your help tis really appriciated!! just waiting for mam n dad to get in to run idea past them cos cant decide whether its just me taking my silly ideas too far or whether its something i could actually do!! do u think i would be out of my depth buying a flat? how much would i have to pay a month if i bought something for 75k-ish?xxx
not if mick or one of the girls moved in use a 4 or 5% Interest rate
god could i really borrow at such a low interest rate..?!?! or isnt that low..?!?! im off to investigate!! and as for the mik thing...are you joking lol, i'll never get that boy away from his mam
Get an experian check done on your credit rating and sort out any anomalies. Even the slightest issue will affect your interest rate.
Dont buy a house unless you can cover the mortgage comfortably if you CANT rent a spare room out. Also, self certification mortgages are a VERY bad idea - for most people they boil down to outright LYING on your mortgage application form in order to get a loan. Lastly, renting is only a waste of money if it costs more than the interest portion on a mortgage. If its less than that its more economically sound to rent. If none of that makes sense, i wouldnt buy a house. Renting isnt always a bad thing, no matter what society and the media tell you.
im buying a house at the mo and im well scared!!!!! especially when i can see that they are nearly finished building it lol!!!!
I would have said lying on a mortgage application is quite possibly one of the worst ever ideas if anything ever went wrong...... surely its best to make sure the biggest purchase you ever make is done legally. Self Cert is designed for self employed people or those with uncertain income streams... it wasnt meant to be used as a means for people on regular salaries to buy something they cant afford in the first place. As much as bending and twisting the rules for other things might be questionable and acceptable.... for buying houses and mortgages its not worth it.
Bird you and Chris Spence should write a book called "How not to live Dangerously" I bet your both great fun at after partys