Bzp?? Ive just been reading my brothers nuts magazine, hoping to get a climpse of lucy ''nee nips'' pinders nipples, but a story about a new legal ecstacy called BZP caught my eye What is this shit, apparently it is used on cows or something, anyone tried it?
It's the stuff that was in them pep/funk pills everyone was banging on about. It's shit and nothing like ecstacy.
i beg to differ we tried these triple x ones earlier this year and i swear they were better than the the real things there banned now though grr they always put a stop to peoples fun theres loads of shady ones out and about but aint had nothing like them triple x things
They aint banned, you just have to buy over the internet. They had a dude in nuts try them and he said the feeling was like e, but lasts for like 4-6 hours, but the comedown is bad, described as a dirty e
i would say it was better and i didnt feel comedowny at all it was very trippy though id say es were more "dirty" as you dont know whats in them etc where as these legal things you know exactly etc etc etc
What's the point, if you're caught with them you're still going to get booted out of the club/arrested for possession of them, regardless of whether they're legal. You're still going to get your night fucked up, How many excuses do you think the plod hear for pills week in week out? can buy it in crystal form, about £35 for 5 grams. I'd say its more like whizz than pills, those xxx ones are class though, I had one and it lasted ages, quite trippy to, some people seem to have dodgy reactions though being sick etc but I was fine
think so the triple x ones were red pills if thats them i def recommend to get them think il be getting a few
Ah, a certain fast food outlet in Newcastle is a known vendor of this type of tablet. My mate got some the other week and reckons he still felt fucked 6 hours later.
the xxx ones I had were purple, when you buy them just make sure the contain bzp cos theres new ones that dont
I find these legal alternatives are pretty hit and miss...although in my experience it't just been miss. Had some PEP pills at Tall Trees a while ago..."have them both for a mint nite mate"....i'd probably have got higher smoking the fiver i paid for em. Then at creamfields i had these red rooster things...shite also! But these XXX look interesting....I think Katie said she had some a while ago and they were really strong! Rossy - possible side effects?
Those are the ones I had! N I beg to differ with you linz they were not good! Well in a sense of how strong they were, they were too strong I thought you were literally like a stoat/meer cat for 8 hours wether you liked it or not. You could tell they were herbal though by the trippiness of them I thought. I duno what I thought I was absolutely lashed off them.
aye i'd wondered what would happen like... "oh well if you say they are legal mate, off you go" still, at least in the end there will be no charges brought against you....
We all went to Junior G once n got wired to bits then back to mine after, we carried on anyways as we do thru to the Sat and we got some legals - am sure they were XXX's but i was watching the match with everyone tripping me back off and smashed to bits at the same time, i swore i wouldnt have anything but them from them on n never had them again after They were totally class like, people who buy them for the "legal high" would probs be quite suprised - its an instant "dont take in two's" so what did i do....