C4: Shattered Soon Channel 4 is launching a new "game show" called Shattered. The aim of the show is to see who can stay awake for the longest period of time. The contestants will be given a limit to the number of days they cant stay awake for as you die after a while........... WTF?!!?!?!?!? TALK ABOUT SCRAPEING THE BARREL C4?!!??!
I hope they are drug testing first cos I cud stay awake all week on certain stuff. Are they gona give them stuff to do, cos it'd be well boring jus watching them sit there dozing off :sleep:
the limit is 14/15 days then you die. they are thinking of doing it for 7 i think? its like that thing on monkey dust where they have the "big shitter house" and they have put someone on a starch diet.
i remember quite a few years ago it being on the news about some guy who was made to work so hard he didnt sleep for a week and he died!well harsh!