calcutta just back jetlagged. what a place it's so full on and in your face. 20 million people at the last count. But I can report that Trance is alive and well in the clubs of kolkata (as it now is.)
it's an amazing place. It's life with all the knobs turned up to 11. It's filthy, glitzy, insanely rich, totally poor, loud, mad and full of life. It makes england seem like a dead zone. And the clubs have some of the most sensationally beautiful girls I ever saw......
interesting description forks. i always thought india was filthy, poor, overcrowded and seemingly the number one doctor and medical consultant production hot-spot in the world. but hey, i havent been - and the only information i get about india is from my horrendously racist grandad. "remember the empire" and all that lark.
you get a sense in india of how little it's going to be about europe in the future. Its all about china and India and the US. we're just a quaint backwater. I met a bloke from here at the airport in kolkata who said he worked for Corus and was visiting the head office in India. The headline in the paper about Tata Steel taking over british steel was "The empire strikes back' Their economy grew 20% in one year last year