Call Centres I know there has been a good few threads about these but they make you so bloody angry :evil: Just been on the phone for about an hour to someone with a very poor grasp of english then passed onto another one with the same grasp and am still in exactly the same position as I was an hour ago :evil: they never listen to what you say and constantly just repeat what they do actually know which is very limited. how can you actually get things sorted??? i end up getting so angry cos noone listens to what you're actually saying. ive ended up cancelling my direct debit until they sort something out, but where do i go next to get it sorted???is a letter best off or phoning the complaints department which tbh i cant face getting threw to another brainless idiot *disclaimer*i am not saying everyone who works in a call centre is brainless* OR does anyone work at orange and can sort it out for me??
its true Im having a bit of bother at the moment and no matter how many times i tell them the info they need, they transfer me and ask for it again
Totally agree, I know it's not a job I'd like to do and everything, but when you're messed around continually it's hard to keep your cool.
did u see top gear when clarkson was driving that new Bugatti? He called a well known insurence company and asked to be quoted happy!! The reply was, ''sorry is your car a rover!!!,'' ''NO A ITS B U G A T T I!!'' ''Rover?''
15 mins later, '' ooh sorry mr clarkson we dont do insurence for that car'' Clarkson, '' couldn't you have told me that before i gave u my address, post code, telephone number, job title?'' oo very good, please come again, bye!
tis true what he said - it's like concorde. everything else will be sub-standard in comparison - they're making a loss on each one sold - they're just doing it to prove it can be done. there won't be a better car.
if you spoke the queens english like me they would understand you : : my aunty had a right fuck on with aol and wanadoo. totally useless cunts who love their transfer button a bit too much
You couldn't help but watch in total amazment. 0-60mph in 2.5 seconds. At full throttle can use 100 litres of petrol in 12 minutes!